People ask me all the time how I have so much time to travel. The truth is: I don’t! I work full time but luckily I have three weeks of vacation a year. Since I live far away from my family, I have to plan my vacation time strategically! I try to maximize my vacation time overseas as well as with my family. That being said, I have time to travel because it is one of the top priorities in my life.

Here are a few tips to using your vacation time wisely!

Velassaru, Maldives


This seems like an obvious one, but it amazes me how many people let their vacation time rack up. Life is meant to be lived and the world is meant to be seen. Take some time off and enjoy yourself!


While I don’t generally travel around major holidays, I always use the smaller ones as an excuse to go overseas! My office is closed for holidays such as President’s Day and Memorial Day which is the perfect time to travel! If you have similar closures – take advantage of these days! Although, I generally only have one day off for these holidays, it makes a big difference. Another plus of traveling over these holidays is the prices don’t generally spike around this time since they are US Holidays.

Santorini, Greece


That’s right, the red eye is the way to go! This is definitely not the most “popular” way to travel but it’s generally the most practical. I always opt for the red eye because I can work all day, get ready for the airport, and head out. I would much rather do this than spend a ‘vacation day’ on an airplane. I am all for saving a vacation day where I can.


This is another question I am asked all the time!! In short, NO, but I’m biased – there is never enough time in my book! However, with that being said, I would much rather spend a week exploring a foreign country and learning the culture than not go at all. Plus, you can get SO much done in one week! If you are exploring Europe, you really only need 2-4 days in each city (although I would never complain about having more). It is easy to travel from city to city making it totally doable in a week! I have spent less than a week in many countries/ continents and it has been worth it every single time. There will never be enough time and there will always be an excuse to get in your way! My advice is to just go!!

Capri, Italy

Obviously this article is missing a major part about being able to travel and this is affording it. I’ve posted an article about my tips and tricks to traveling on a budget, be sure to check it out!

Safe Travels,

Sarah :)

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